Friday, September 28, 2007

Mold and Your Lawn

Did you know that mold can grow on your lawn and kill all the grass that you worked so hard on during the spring, summer, and fall? Well, you might have known that mold spores and fungi like mushrooms can grow in your front and backyard, but maybe you were not aware of the mold that can grow underneath the blankets of snow that fall during the winter. It is true: if snow falls on your lawn and does not melt for a long period of time, mold can start growing and kill the grass underneath. This is especially true if the grass has not stopped growing before the snow falls and if the snow is thick and wet. Another significant factor is that the ground the snow falls on top of is not frozen.

The only real symptom that you should be able to see besides the mold growth itself is the appearance of large circular patches of dead grass. These circles can be from 3 up to 12 inches wide, but in the most extreme cases of snow mold, you may not be able to distinguish one patch from the next because the mold has killed so much of your lawn.

Pink snow mold appears to be the most dangerous to your grass and it is caused by a mold called Microdochium nivale. This mold, when it matures, can be a light to a dark pink color. This is the most dangerous kind of mold to your lawn because it kills not only the blades of grass, but also the roots. This needs to be treated as soon as possible before it kills your entire lawn, if it has not already.

Gray snow mold can be caused by a few different species in a genus called Typhula and it can be anywhere from gray to white in color. These molds typically do not do more damage to the grass than affecting the blades; the roots are not typically affected.

Snow molds like to grow in temperatures that are just above freezing and in moist conditions. Even though it is called “snow” mold, it can also be caused when leaves are left covering a patch of grass for too long.

Preventing snow mold is not too difficult, but sometimes it will occur, anyway. Do not fertilize your lawn less than six weeks before cold weather starts to come in and causes the grass to stop growing. This can cause a spurt of green growth that the mold will feed on after it starts to grow underneath the snowfall.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
damage restoration companies and
mold removal companies across the united states.

Protect Your Infant From Mold And Possibly Eliminate Crib Death

Something that a lot parents hate and cannot understand these days are diseases and disorders that the medical community claim that they cannot do anything about at this point in time. Parents become outraged when it happens to their child and the medical community says that there was nothing that they could have done to help or to prevent it from happening and this is the case with the occurrence we have come to call SIDS -- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

The term itself is a misnomer: it is not a “syndrome”. It is the act of dying suddenly and inexplicably. In European countries, it is also called “cot death”, since it is most commonly associated with babies that die in their cribs. The health care system of the United States has said that there is no true explanation of why crib death occurs, but a man in New Zealand may have come up with an answer… over a decade ago.

A man in New Zealand has begun a crusade against crib death and has pointed to a very likely explanation for it.

Most flame retardant mattresses contain one of three chemicals: antimony, arsenic, or phosphorus. These chemicals are poisonous to us as human beings and you have to wonder why they are being put in our mattresses in the first place, much less in the mattress of an infant.

We all know that babies will get their mattresses and bedding wet from spilling milk, juice, urinating through their diapers, and etcetera, but what happens when these spills do not get cleaned up properly? Mold can grow in mattresses just as easily as carpet or on wet clothing, but the difference is that when mold begins to grow in a mattress made with these poisonous chemicals, they (like anything else on the planet that digests things) secrete gases. Since mold is consuming poisonous chemicals, is it not safe to say that these gases are also poisonous? An infant sleeping on its stomach and breathing in these gases would probably die, right? It is a fact that less babies have died since the advice was given to sleep a child on his or her back instead of on their stomach.

His advice says to not re-use an old baby mattress, but to buy a new one when you have another child because the instances of crib death have shown to increase with the more children you have. It is more common in children that are the 2nd, 3rd, and so on in their family.

Special mattress wraps can also be purchased out of New Zealand for less than $50.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration companies and
Dallas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors.

Some Facts About Cladosporium Mold

While there are a lot of different genuses of mold, Cladosporium is one of the most frequently present molds in the global community. Around 40 species exist in the soil or living upon dead organic matter and there are studies that claim that the mold lives outdoors throughout the entire year, although the presence of this mold is lowered during the wintertime.

During the summer time, the spore levels of this mold can reach between two and fifty thousand particles per cubic meter of oxygen. The outdoor concentration of mold spores and whether you have an infestation of mold in your house influence the quality of the air in your home quite a lot.

Cladosporium infections are typically prevalent in any building material that has gotten wet, usually such things as drywall and lumber. There are four species that occur more commonly than others and these are Cladosporium cladosporioides, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Cladosporium herbarum, and Cladosporium macrocarpum. These are the most common in outdoor environments and their spores are transmitted by wind. When they are present in an indoor environment, they grow upon surfaces such as where condensation has developed on pipes or in areas where water is left to stand.

These molds are the most dangerous to people who have compromised immune systems, but they can tend to cause certain people to have allergic reactions. If someone is exposed to a high level of these spores, it can induce sensitivity to the mold and also aggravate asthma. What level of concentration induces these sensitivities and reactions depends upon the individual, though. What is a high level for one person may be a low level for another. Skin infections and sometimes sinusitis can occur, but sinusitis is not a very common occurrence.

The species of mold that fall in this genus are not difficult to detect in home mold testing kits and they can be colored green, grey, brown, or black when they grow on the test or on a surface. The only negative effects that are connected with Cladosporium mold are allergic reactions and these molds are not as serious as other molds such as Aspergillus or Stachybotrys. If you are exposed to Cladosporium mold for very long, however, it can lead to a weakened immune system. While Cladosporium molds do not make mycotoxins that are of any importance to human health, they can produce some pretty nasty compounds that cause a significant odor in the room.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Florida water damage restoration companies and
Miami Water Damage Restoration. contractors

Removing Mold Stains From Clothing

If you have clothes that have been contaminated with mold, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably to just throw them away and be done with it. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to just throw away clothes like this and buy new ones right on the spot, so what can you do when clothes get moldy? If you have some spare time and a bit of persistence, you can get rid of the mold on your clothes and avoid having to buy new ones.

Most fabrics can be completely rid of mold after being washed a few times, but unfortunately mold usually causes different color stains. If it is a bunch of white clothes or sheets that mold has gotten on, using bleach to get rid of the stains will probably work, but they need to be treated with some pre-wash stain remover before you wash them to make sure and get all of the stain out. The longer you let them set without treating them with anything, the further in the fabric the stain will set and the harder it will be to get rid of it.

You can use an old toothbrush to scrape the mold off of these clothes with, but it is best to not do this without some kind of gloves on. Mold can cause skin rashes if it gets on you, so wear some rubber gloves, especially if you have any hang nails or cuts on your skin. The spores can get in your skin through these and turn into a nasty infection.

After you are done scraping the mold off, soak the clothes in a pre-wash spray for between 30 and 45 minutes; wash it in the washing machine afterward. After the cycle is completed, take them outside and let them dry on a clothes line, if you have one. Do not use an artificial heat source to dry your clothes. Allowing them to dry naturally is the best way to make sure that the stain, if it is still there, is not set further into the fabric.

Unfortunately, if mold gets onto a jacket that is made of real leather, there is not much hope to remove the stain from this. Since leather is an organic material (the skin of an animal) and it obviously a porous surface, mold sinks into this material and thoroughly stains it. The color cannot be completely restored.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Miami Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors and
Orlando water Damage companies.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Flood Damaged Documents

There are hundreds of different kinds of important documents and books that we could have in our homes that might become damaged during a flood or a hurricane and if the copies that we have are the only ones in existence, then safeguarding these items is very important. Whether it is a marriage certificate or a birth certificate, proof of insurance, or any other type of legal document, if it gets ruined due to being submerged in water, you might be in some trouble.

If you are already the victim of a flood or a hurricane and you have to take care of these documents that have already become damaged, then you might not exactly know how to deal with these items. After you have made sure that the electricity is off in your home after the waters have mostly receded is essential. You should do this before re-entering parts of your home that still have standing water in them. Find the documents you need to restore and if they are only damp, then it is possible to just lay them out to dry on a flat surface on their own. If they have been submerged for a while, then the best thing that you can do is take them to a local freeze-dry facility to have them treated.

When packing items to take to a freeze-dry facility, you should purchase freezer wrap from a local department or grocery store. You will use this to separate your papers and books from each other in the boxes you will pack them into. Find the most important documents that you wish to restore and afterward, find the less important ones such as books or anything that is considered “one-of-a-kind”. Pack these items into boxes and label the outside with your name, address, phone number, and any other pertinent information. Do not pack these tightly in the freezer paper.

After your documents have been taken care of and dried efficiently, the best thing to do is to invest in a waterproof and fireproof safe to pack these things in. Cash, jewelry, these documents, and anything else that you wish to have protected against the elements of nature will be very safe in one of these. Once you invest in one and see it work during a fire or a flood, you will be very happy that you made the investment. It will save you both time, effort, and money to invest in an appropriately sized safe.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Miami Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors and
Orlando water Damage companies.

Different Types of Dehumidifiers

You might have used a humidifier in your room or your child’s room during sickness at one time, but what exactly does a dehumidifier do and in what circumstances do you need to have one in your home?

Dehumidifiers are often used in damp areas of the home to keep the humidity down; this reduces the chances that mold will begin to grow in that area of the house.

There are a few different kinds of dehumidifiers and if you are intending on purchasing one, them you might want to familiarize yourself with each kind and purchase one depending on your own situation. These types include chemical absorbent dehumidifiers, dehumidifying ventilators, and heat pump dehumidifiers.

A heat pump dehumidifier extracts water from the air utilizing a heat pump. This is somewhat similar to the pump that you find in an air conditioner. The fan inside the dehumidifier brings the air inside the unit and a coil inside it is kept very cold so that the moisture in the air being drawn across it condenses. This water drops into a bucket that fits into the bottom of it. A second coil that is heated brings the cold air back up to room temperature and pushed back out into the home. This is the most efficient type of dehumidifier for use in private residences.

The type that works the best in warm climates is the chemical absorbent type. This kind of dehumidifier uses a desiccant (a drying chemical) to absorb the water from the air that is pulled inside the humidifier by a fan. It is also expensive to operate and so this kind of dehumidifier is much more efficient for large business buildings and industry complexes. Homeowners should not purchase one of these.

A dehumidifying ventilator has what is called a sensor controller and what most other humidifiers have, an exhaust fan. What the sensor controller does is turn the unit on when the humidity in the home or office building reaches a certain level. These are not very efficient in homes that are located in humid environments because they bring air from outside the house to the inside. These are most often used in basements and cellars. Unfortunately, these can also depressurize whatever room they are located in and this can cause the spilling of gas. Any gas furnaces near by should be properly vented.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Houston Fire Damage Water Restoration Contractor companies and
Los Angeles Water Damage and Restoration Services.

Dealing With Storm Damage

A hurricane or a flood can be a devastating experience for home and other property owners and cleaning up after the fact can be a daunting task, especially if it is the first time that you have to deal with a problem such as this. If it is your first home that is affected, you might not have a good understanding of where to go after the waters and storm clouds have receded off into the distance. Sometimes hiring a professional to deal with extensive damage is often one of the best and safest things that you can do, but not everyone can afford a professional.

One thing that you should be very concerned about is downed power lines. If you have a downed power line on your property, ALWAYS assume that the downed line is a live one. Do not allow anyone to touch it or, if it lies across your driveway or the street where you live, drive over it. Not even an experienced electrician can tell you if a line is live just by taking a look at it.

After the storm is gone and the electricity has been returned to your home, the first thing that you want to do is turned the electricity to your home OFF so that you can take care of getting rid of the standing water that may exist in your home. This is especially important after a hurricane or a flood when there is likely to be standing water. Do what you can to get things dry as soon as possible without using an artificial heat source to do so. Remove wet furniture from the house and put them outside to dry.

Water damage is a serious risk during these times and during a hurricane, there is likely to be some kind of debris on the roof if your home. Remove this debris and check for any holes that might have been made in your roof during the storm. If there are holes, cover them up with tarp the best that you can, especially if you are expecting more rain. After you do that, go into the attic and assess just how much water has leaked into it. Insulation that has gotten wet should be removed immediately. It is no longer any good and only creates excess weight on your ceiling.

If you prepared for the hurricane before it reached your city or town, then odds are that you will not have many windows that have been blown out due to high winds. If you did not have time to prepare properly, however, you might have quite a bit of glass to clean up. If you are not expecting more rain, leave them uncovered to help dry the house out after you get rid of the broken glass.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration companies and
Dallas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors.

Hurricane Preparations and Water Safety

There are quite a few things that you need to do if you are preparing for a hurricane to hit your area and you do not want to leave your home, but perhaps the most important thing is making sure that you have a sizeable supply of bottled water in your home. This should be proportional to the number of people living in your home at the time of the storm.

The safety of the water that you will be drinking while the storm is raging outside and even after the storm is gone is important to your survival. You should keep around at least one gallon of water per person per day. Never assume that the water that comes out of your faucet is clean, because water from the sea and possibly from sewers can contaminate water treatment plants in your area. This contaminated water will make you extremely sick and could even possibly lead to death. During a hurricane or a flood, never drink anything but bottled water. Water purification tablets should also be kept on hand and chlorinated bleach can also be used to purify water in most situations. 8 drops per gallon of contaminated water should be enough. Let the treated water set for at least 30 minutes before drinking it.

While water damage to your home may be an important issue after the flood waters have receded, water damage to your body due to contaminated water is even more important. Even if you are not drinking the contaminated water, it can still cause damage to your system, especially if you have open cuts or wounds that have been exposed to it. Wash these with soap and bottled (or chlorine bleach treated) water to keep them from becoming infected.

Children should not be allowed to play in flood waters, no matter how hot it might get inside the home you are staying in. If there are toys that have come into contact with contaminated water, these need to be disinfected before allowing a child to play with them, as well. The hands of children should also be washed very thoroughly often and especially before meals.

Boarding up your windows and doors with plywood is a good idea to keep your windows from being blown out and the glass sent flying into your home and possibly into you.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of
Texas Water Damage Restoration and
Houston Water Damage Restoration Which are Certified IICRC Water damage and mold remediation contractors.

Dealing With Storm Damage

A hurricane or a flood can be a devastating experience for home and other property owners and cleaning up after the fact can be a daunting task, especially if it is the first time that you have to deal with a problem such as this. If it is your first home that is affected, you might not have a good understanding of where to go after the waters and storm clouds have receded off into the distance. Sometimes hiring a professional to deal with extensive damage is often one of the best and safest things that you can do, but not everyone can afford a professional.

One thing that you should be very concerned about is downed power lines. If you have a downed power line on your property, ALWAYS assume that the downed line is a live one. Do not allow anyone to touch it or, if it lies across your driveway or the street where you live, drive over it. Not even an experienced electrician can tell you if a line is live just by taking a look at it.

After the storm is gone and the electricity has been returned to your home, the first thing that you want to do is turned the electricity to your home OFF so that you can take care of getting rid of the standing water that may exist in your home. This is especially important after a hurricane or a flood when there is likely to be standing water. Do what you can to get things dry as soon as possible without using an artificial heat source to do so. Remove wet furniture from the house and put them outside to dry.

Water damage is a serious risk during these times and during a hurricane, there is likely to be some kind of debris on the roof if your home. Remove this debris and check for any holes that might have been made in your roof during the storm. If there are holes, cover them up with tarp the best that you can, especially if you are expecting more rain. After you do that, go into the attic and assess just how much water has leaked into it. Insulation that has gotten wet should be removed immediately. It is no longer any good and only creates excess weight on your ceiling.

If you prepared for the hurricane before it reached your city or town, then odds are that you will not have many windows that have been blown out due to high winds. If you did not have time to prepare properly, however, you might have quite a bit of glass to clean up. If you are not expecting more rain, leave them uncovered to help dry the house out after you get rid of the broken glass.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
North Carolina Sewage Damage Cleanup and other states such as
South Carolina mold remediation companies across the united states.